Though the Kochs have indicated they are staying out of the presidential election their fingerprints are all over the Republican National Convention in Cleveland this week.
Koch Criminal Justice Reform Trojan Horse: Special Report on Reentry and Following the Money
While the Kochs press for criminal justice “reforms,” allies in the Koch network try to get a piece of the pie from other reforms intended to help ex-cons with their “reentry” into society.
UPDATE Koch Candidates? Where Is the Koch Machine Spending in 2016 So Far
CMD follows the money.
Kochs’ Grassroots Leadership Academy Training Astroturf Army
The Koch brothers have turned their attention to races for the U.S. Senate, U.S. House and state governorships.
House Republicans Get Secret Briefing from Koch Veterans Group
The Koch brothers’ group targeting veterans gave a secret briefing to U.S. House Republicans on “Reforming Veterans Health Care” last week, according to an invitation to the meeting provided to CMD.
Cashing in on Kids: 172 ALEC Education Bills Push Privatization in 2015
ALEC continues to push a corporate-driven school privatization agenda through legislatures across the country.
Koch-Fueled Playbook against Working Families Exposed by CMD
“Wages in RTW states are 3.1 percent lower than those in non-RTW states. . . This translates into RTW being associated with $1,558 lower annual wages for a typical full-time, full-year worker.”
Reporters’ Guide on the Koch Right to Work Playbook
West Virginia is the latest front in a national battle to undermine worker rights bankrolled by the billionaire Koch brothers.
How Charles Koch Backed the John Birch Society at the Height of Its Attacks on Martin Luther King
On Martin Luther King Day, here is some additional information about the Koch PR offensive and their legacy on civil rights.
Koch Daddy and the Nazis, a Revealing History from Jane Mayer
Jane Mayer’s new book, Dark Money, reveals how Fred Koch profited from dealing with Hitler’s Germany and praised Germany while criticizing American workers.