Documents obtained by CMD show that the Tea Party Patriots Foundation was the fiscal sponsor of the organization behind America’s Frontline Doctors, which spread lies about Covid-19 and is scamming customers looking for vaccine alternatives.
ALEC Claims Credit for Voter Suppression and Anti-Critical Race Theory Laws at Secret Meeting
ALEC boasted about its role in promoting and passing laws making it harder to vote, barring schools from teaching about America’s racist past, and protecting employers from COVID-related lawsuits at a May meeting of the right-wing Council for National Policy.
ALEC Inspires Lawmakers to File Anti-Critical Race Theory Bills
Known for pushing bills that protect corporate interests, ALEC jumps back into culture wars to oppose teaching of systemic racism in schools.
ALEC Politicians Belong to Neo-Confederate Organization
CMD has identified six state lawmakers affiliated with the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) who were recently active members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans.
Donors Pumped Millions into White Nationalist Hate Group
The foundation of white nationalist hate group VDARE took in $4.3 million in 2019, over eight times more than the year before, according to tax records obtained by CMD and shared with Hatewatch.
“Dark Money ATM of the Conservative Movement” Gives $1.5 Million to White Nationalist Hate Group
For the first time, DonorsTrust donated to explicitly white nationalist groups—and its contribution to VDARE tripled the group’s annual revenue.