The Trump-aligned nonprofit pitches a “Systematic Effort” to “Inspire Our Kids [to] Love America Again” in investor prospectus obtained by the Center for Media and Democracy.
Bradley Files
GOP Megadonor Art Pope Plays Leading Role in GOP Gerrymandering Operation
GOP megadonor and power broker Art Pope has gone all-in to help Republicans rig elections in their favor for the next decade.
Bradley Foundation Bankrolls Controversial ALEC Voter Software
The right-wing Bradley Foundation has earmarked at least $1.7M for ALEC’s distribution of sophisticated voter management software deeply tied to the Republican Party since 2017, the subject of an IRS whistleblower complaint and multiple state campaign finance complaints.
CMD President’s Senate Testimony on Dark Money Influence Over Federal Courts
CMD President Lisa Graves testified at a March Senate Judiciary subcommittee hearing on “The Big-Money Assault on Our Judiciary.” Video from the hearing and written testimony now available here.
Major Right-Wing Funders Push Supreme Court Case Against Donor Disclosure
Major right-wing funders gave nearly $222 million to 69 organizations that filed amicus briefs supporting Americans for Prosperity Foundation’s fight against disclosing major donors to California regulators.
Right-Wing Groups Rally Around Anti-Union Case Argued in Supreme Court Today
The Cedar Point Nursery case could have sweeping implications for business property rights, which explains why the right-wing Pacific Legal Foundation has taken the case and numerous other legal centers and think tanks financed by many of the same pro-corporate billionaires have weighed in.
CMD President Lisa Graves to Testify Before Senate Judiciary on the Right’s Dark Money Campaign to Capture U.S. Courts
The Center for Media and Democracy’s president, Lisa Graves, will testify before the U.S. Senate Judiciary’s Subcommittee on Federal Courts at 3:00 p.m. ET on March 10, 2021 in a hearing titled, “What’s Wrong with the Supreme Court: The Big-Money Assault on Our Judiciary.”
Right-Wing Network Opposes Initiative to Increase Charitable Giving During Pandemic
A coalition of conservative groups funded by private foundations and donor-advised funds is denouncing a plan to make those foundations and funds pay out more of their endowments to charity.
Koch-Funded Groups Back Anti-Union Bills in the States, Oppose Pro-Union Legislation in Congress
Anti-union forces are on the offensive again in the states, but are playing defense this year at the federal level.
New Right-Wing Litigation Center Working to Upend COVID-19 Public Health Restrictions, Fight Unions
American Juris Link, a new right-wing legal center with close ties to the State Policy Network, is actively working to track and support right-wing legal challenges to upend COVID-19 health restrictions, fight workers’ rights to unionize, and coordinate legal strategies and amici.