A review of hundreds of tax filings by the Center for Media and Democracy has uncovered 39%—or $16.4 million—of the $41.7 million ALEC received in contributions between 2017 and 2021.
Bradley Files
Contributions Now Pouring in for High-Stakes Wisconsin Supreme Court Race
Big money has started flowing into a pivotal Supreme Court race in Wisconsin, as reports filed yesterday with the Wisconsin Ethics Commission indicate.
Candace Owens’ ‘Blexit’ Operation Bankrolled by Wealthy White Conservatives
Right-wing billionaires bought into Owen’s effort to bring Black Democrats into the Republican Party, but the results are unimpressive.
Right-Wing Bradley Foundation and Bradley-Funded Groups Paid Wisconsin Supreme Court Candidate Kelly in 2022
Right-wing Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate Daniel Kelly received compensation from the Milwaukee-based Bradley Foundation and Bradley-funded organizations in 2022.
GOP Megadonor Looks to Inject Late Cash Into Wisconsin Governor’s Race with Oct. 5 Fundraiser for Tim Michels
The GOP megadonor Diane Hendricks is hosting a fundraiser for Tim Michels, Republican candidate for Wisconsin governor in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, on October 5.
State Policy Network and Affiliates Raises $152 Million Annually to Push Right-Wing Policies
The $152 million represents a 27% increase over the $120 million CMD calculated the network brought in almost three years ago.
Right-Wing Groups Fail to Block Workers’ Rights Amendment in Illinois
An Illinois Circuit Court judge has rejected the efforts of the right-wing Liberty Justice Center to prevent voters from having their say on a constitutional amendment to protect workers’ rights in November.
Bradley and Koch Cash Fuels Push to Eliminate Wisconsin Income Tax
With backing from a myriad of right-wing groups, the Center for Research on the Wisconsin Economy at the University of Wisconsin–Madison released a “research report” last month on the need to eliminate the income tax in the state.
ALEC Forum Promotes Manufactured Controversy Over the Factual Teaching of Racism in K-12 Schools
Around seventy lawmakers, lobbyists, and researchers gathered yesterday at the American Legislative Exchange Council’s policy summit in San Diego to hear speakers push actions and model legislation in the GOP’s manufactured culture war over the supposed teaching of critical race theory in public schools
Fair Elections and U.S. Constitution Come Under Attack at ALEC Meeting
The American Legislative Exchange Council kicked off its annual policy summit today with a meeting of its secret working group on election suppression and gerrymandering strategies, and an “Academy” on right-wing plans to rewrite the U.S. Constitution.