Fourteen of the pay-to-play group’s biggest corporate funders are among the 100 worst federal violators since 2000.
This Group Helps Lobbyists Influence Public Officials. The Trump Hotel Is Hosting Its 2018 Gala.
The American Legislative Exchange Council, a controversial group that brings corporate lobbyists together with state legislators to formulate business- and Republican-friendly policies, will host its 45th anniversary gala at the Trump International Hotel next year.
Voter ID Suppressed the Vote Exactly as Wisconsin Republicans Predicted
New study documents that tens of thousands were disenfranchised.
ALEC’s Corporate Board Leads…in Federal Violations
“Not-so-great-8” responsible for more than $6 billion in federal fines and penalties since 2000
Order John Nichols New Book Horsemen of the Trumpocalypse Today!
And support CMD’s ongoing investigations of the Trump Team at the same time!
Bradley Foundation Funnels Millions to State Policy Network Groups
CMD has compiled the list so you can find out what SPN groups are up to in your state.
Infighting, Legal Questions Slow ALEC Push for Second Constitutional Convention
New documents cast doubt on proponents claims they have 27 out of 34 states needed to trigger a convention.
The ALEC Swampland
Though ALEC has an uneasy relationship with President Trump, they haven’t hesitated in adopting his “drain the swamp” rhetoric when extolling their plans to amend the federal constitution, repeal workers’ rights or gut social safety net programs.
Big Coal Burns Bright at ALEC Conference
The fracking industries and king coal producers ExxonMobil, Noble Energy, and ARCO dominated the first day of the 44th ALEC conference.
Trump Team, ALEC, Koch Industries Debate Gerrymandering the U.S. Senate in Denver
The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) will debate a resolution to repeal the 17th Amendment providing for the direct election of U.S. Senators.