The Center for Media and Democracy has joined a coalition of 78 government reform, civil rights, labor, environmental, and advocacy organizations urging the largest corporate funders to cut ties with the corporate bill mill.
ALEC Launches Effort to Protect Gerrymandering from Judges
Efforts to limit the courts’ role in creating district maps come as 2020 redistricting looms.
“Nonpartisan” ALEC Will Celebrate 45th Gala with GOP Stars and Lobbyists at Trump Hotel
ALEC curries favor with Trump with an event chairs and committee list that reads like a who’s who of GOP, corporate lobbyists, and union busters.
Wisconsin GOP Just Nominated ALEC’s “Iron Lady” to Take on Tammy Baldwin
After a vicious GOP primary, one of the Kochs’ favorite candidates is ready to take on Tammy Baldwin for the U.S. Senate.
ALEC in Disarray
Hatemonger David Horowitz takes center stage at ALEC Conference in NOLA.
Common Cause Exposes ALEC Influence in Louisiana
ALEC’s fingerprints can be found on many bills introduced and enacted in Baton Rouge
ALEC Drafts Model Resolution to Pat Itself on the Back
To celebrate its anniversary, ALEC has drafted “A Resolution Congratulating the American Legislative Exchange Council On Its 45th Anniversary”.
ALEC Sets the Table for Gerrymandering, Union Busting, Protecting Fossil Fuels, and Privatizing Schools
ALEC’s annual meeting in NOLA continues war on workers and voters, with Janus v. AFSCME victory lap and pro-gerrymandering resolution.
Is ALEC Too Extreme for Exxon? Long-Term ALEC Board Member Dumps ALEC over Climate Denial Policy
ExxonMobil will not renew its membership in ALEC after differences arise over how to address climate change.
Scott Pruitt Has Spent a Total of $4.6 Million on Security, New Disclosures Show — Including $1,500 on “Tactical Pants”
A Freedom of Information Act documents show the EPA administrator’s expenses jumped $1.1 million from the last disclosure a month ago.