A New York state lawsuit charges Exxon with orchestrating a misinformation campaign on climate change. ALEC and RAGA helped.
Scott Walker Has a History of Signing Plagiarized ALEC Bills
The media is focusing on four missing footnotes, while overlooking Walker’s history of promoting and signing plagiarized legislation.
Reporters Memo: Coke and Pepsi Play Hardball in Attempt to Prevent the Spread of Soda Taxes
Big bucks are being spent by the soda industry on ballot measures to ban local soda tax campaigns in Oregon and Washington state.
ALEC Flaunts Trump Ties While Celebrating Its 45th Anniversary at POTUS’s DC Hotel
The American Legislative Exchange Council will welcome legislators and corporate lobbyists to the Trump International Hotel tonight to mark 45 years.
Verizon Dumps ALEC, Denounces Speaker as Racist
CMD exposé and coalition letter of protest prompt major ALEC backer to abandon ship after David Horowitz’s vitriolic speech at ALEC’s annual meeting.
Rep. Taylor and Center for Media and Democracy Rebuff Legal Threat from ALEC Speaker
David Horowitz, a right-wing provocateur who claimed President Obama was a Muslim and a top Clinton aide was part of the Muslim Brotherhood, claims “hatemonger” label is defamatory.
Broad Coalition Calls on Corporations to Drop Funding for ALEC Over Horowitz Speeches
The Center for Media and Democracy has joined a coalition of 78 government reform, civil rights, labor, environmental, and advocacy organizations urging the largest corporate funders to cut ties with the corporate bill mill.
ALEC Launches Effort to Protect Gerrymandering from Judges
Efforts to limit the courts’ role in creating district maps come as 2020 redistricting looms.
“Nonpartisan” ALEC Will Celebrate 45th Gala with GOP Stars and Lobbyists at Trump Hotel
ALEC curries favor with Trump with an event chairs and committee list that reads like a who’s who of GOP, corporate lobbyists, and union busters.
Wisconsin GOP Just Nominated ALEC’s “Iron Lady” to Take on Tammy Baldwin
After a vicious GOP primary, one of the Kochs’ favorite candidates is ready to take on Tammy Baldwin for the U.S. Senate.