Washington State Rep. Matt Shea keeps his leadership post in ALEC despite circulating a white nationalist manifesto calling for a violent Christian holy war.
ALEC Union Busting Proposal Defeated in Michigan Lame Duck
Bill’s author never met the threshold for election that he is demanding for union recertification.
Michigan GOP Defies Voters, Rams ALEC, Koch Priorities Through Lame-Duck Session
Unconstitutional voter restrictions, lower wages, less health care, donor secrecy, and union-busting add up to an agenda only the Koch brothers would love.
Truckers Run Over Railroads at ALEC
ALEC passes resolution backed by UPS and FedEx encouraging Congress to allow twin 33-foot trailers on the road.
ALEC Lost Membership Worth Over $7 Trillion in Market Cap
What companies are still members of ALEC besides Koch Industries?
AT&T Drops ALEC for Hosting Hate Speech
AT&T joins Verizon in rush to the exit after ALEC featured a far-right speaker at its annual meeting.
ALEC Embraces Trumpism, Climate Catastrophe, and School Privatization at Policy Summit
ALEC state legislators, lobbyists, and Koch operatives return to Washington, D.C. today for ALEC’s States & Nation Policy Summit to promote an agenda only fossil fuel companies could love.
ALEC’s Washington State Chair, Rep. Matt Shea, Referred to FBI for Circulating Holy War Manual
Will the American Legislative Exchange Council repudiate Rep. Shea’s violent views and demand his resignation as the corporate lobby group’s Washington state leader?
ALEC-Backed Legislators Behind Suppressing Vote
The U.S. Supreme Court decision to support North Dakota’s voter ID laws eliminating the use of postal addresses on identification cards was only a nail in the voting coffin.
National Right to Work Committee Mailer Backs Vukmir
Controversial union-busting operation sends letter praising U.S. Senate candidate Leah Vukmir’s stand against “forced unionism,” but reports no spending in the race.