CMD and Common Cause will also file campaign finance complaints against ALEC in 15 states for providing sophisticated voter management and campaign software linked to the RNC to its 2,000-plus legislative members.
ALEC Politicians Belong to Neo-Confederate Organization
CMD has identified six state lawmakers affiliated with the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) who were recently active members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans.
Republicans Trumpify Electoral System to Steal Future Elections
After failing to steal the 2020 presidential election, GOP Trump loyalists are attempting to take over state parties, voting precincts, and secretary of state offices so they can steal the next elections.
Domino Theory: ALEC Lawmakers Eye Arizona-Style Election Audits in Other States
American Legislative Exchange Council lawmakers are hoping to copy and paste the controversial Arizona “audit” of the 2020 November presidential election just like they do model legislation from the corporate bill mill.
Pfizer Dumps ALEC
The pharmaceutical giant Pfizer did not renew its membership in the American Legislative Exchange Council in 2021.
Five ALEC Corporate Members Paid No Federal Taxes on Huge Profits in 2020
Five of ALEC’s major corporate members are among the largest corporate tax dodgers in America and paid no federal taxes last year. One received a tax rebate.
CMD Joins 300+ Groups in Call for Companies to Quit ALEC Over Voter Suppression Bills
American Legislative Exchange Council faces new backlash over its leading role in pushing new voting restrictions in battleground states.
ALEC’s Annual Economic Survey Puts Profits Before People
The American Legislative Exchange Council’s annual economic survey gives top rankings to states that roll out the red carpet for corporations, not those with better wealth equality, more insured residents, or decent labor rights.
Top ALEC Official Is Ringleader of Arizona Election Audit Circus
ALEC’s national board treasurer, Arizona Senate President Karen Fann, leads the charge on the highly controversial Maricopa County ballot audit widely denounced by election officials from both parties.
New Report: The Big Oil and ALEC Ploy for Getting Unions to Help Chill Climate Protests
The Center for Media and Democracy released a new report today, “Using Unions to Carry Big Oil’s Water,” detailing how the fossil fuel industry and the American Legislative Exchange Council cynically use unions to win Democratic support for legislation that criminalizes and chills environmental protests under the guise of “worker safety.”