A “labor reform” booklet of 50 “state factsheets” obtained by the Center for Media and Democracy reveals the ambitious agenda of the American Legislative Exchange Council to further weaken public sector unions in the wake of the Supreme Court’s controversial ruling in Janus v. AFSCME.
Devos-Funded Group Organizes Protest Against Michigan Governor’s Stay-at-Home Order
Right-wing protest in Lansing against Governor Whitmer’s coronavirus-related restrictions draws Confederate flags, swastikas, and chants of “Lock her up!”
Coronavirus Stimulus Bill Has Provision to Safeguard Union Organizing Drives: Right-Wing Groups Not Happy
Democrats slipped in a provision requiring medium sized businesses taking out CARES Act loans to “remain neutral” if their workers try to organize a union.
Koch-Backed Work Rule Requirements Suffer Setback at Hands of GOP Governor
Ohio Governor Mike DeWine asks Trump administration to drop work requirements for Medicaid, food stamps, and Temporary Assistance to Needy Families in the face of the coronavirus pandemic.
“Identity-Scrubbing” Charities Bankroll Heartland’s Climate Denial
Groups favored by the Koch donor network and the Mercers have pumped more than $10 million into the Heartland Institute, but mainstream donor-advised fund sponsors are financing it too.
Kentucky Koch Group Opposes Saving Hospital – Patient Care and 2,000 Jobs at Risk
Americans for Prosperity-Kentucky is so far the lone group weighing in against a state loan to save Louisville’s Jewish Hospital that has strong bipartisan support.
Democratic Presidential Candidate Michael Bloomberg Is a GOP Bankroller
Over the last decade, the deep-pocketed former Republican used his wealth to help give control of the Senate to Republicans.
Conservative Foundations Finance Push to Kill the CFPB
Right-wing funders have given nearly $69 million to 11 groups that submitted Supreme Court amicus briefs in support of eliminating the Consumer Financial Protection Board, a key reform enacted in the wake of the Great Recession.
Fox in the Henhouse: Koch-Backed Opponent of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Chairs Taskforce to Evaluate Its Regulations
The Koch anti-regulatory political network has given $63.6 million to groups that taskforce chair Todd Zywicki has held senior level positions in since 2008.
Private Prison Giant GEO Group Gives to Super PAC Backing Susan Collins
The recent donation is one of many contributions that GEO Group has made via its subsidiaries, potentially skirting federal campaign finance rules.