Trump has been good to the mining industry. Now its lobbyists will spend big at his hotel.
Sen. Sanders Medicare for All Act – The Time Has Come Today
Today’s bill introduction is the crest of a wave, but it’s also a new beginning.
SCOTUS Prepares to Hear Case that Could Put an End to Hyper-Partisan Gerrymandering and One Party Rule
50 Amicus briefs have been filed in case to be heard October 3
Order John Nichols New Book Horsemen of the Trumpocalypse Today!
And support CMD’s ongoing investigations of the Trump Team at the same time!
State Policy Network Attacks Public Sector Workers as Waters Rise in Texas
Documents reveal ALEC’s sister organization hopes to deal a “mortal blow” to unions and put an end to progressive politics.
Tough Trade Talk Fades as Trump and Pence Toe the Koch Line
When he was running for president, Donald Trump had very harsh words for deals like the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the then-pending Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
Infighting, Legal Questions Slow ALEC Push for Second Constitutional Convention
New documents cast doubt on proponents claims they have 27 out of 34 states needed to trigger a convention.
Fierce Push Back on Trump “Voter Fraud” Commission
The Trump administration has set up what Trump calls a “vote fraud panel. “Billed as an official “Advisory Commission on Election Integrity Resources,”the commission is being met with resistance and lawsuits and is even prompting some worried voters to take the names off the voter rolls.
The ALEC Swampland
Though ALEC has an uneasy relationship with President Trump, they haven’t hesitated in adopting his “drain the swamp” rhetoric when extolling their plans to amend the federal constitution, repeal workers’ rights or gut social safety net programs.
Big Coal Burns Bright at ALEC Conference
The fracking industries and king coal producers ExxonMobil, Noble Energy, and ARCO dominated the first day of the 44th ALEC conference.