The names of hundreds of members of the American Legislative Exchange Council (“ALEC”), details of which are closely guarded by the group, are revealed in a document obtained by Documented through a public records request.
Koch Document Reveals Laundry List of Policy Victories Extracted from the Trump Administration
The Koch brothers have won victory after victory in their bid to reshape American government to their interests.
Billionaire vs. Billionaire: Illinois Governors Race Breaking All State Campaign Finance Records
Three billionaires are pouring on the cash in a campaign finance arms race.
Corporate Criminals Unleashed: Federal Penalties Imposed on Largest Corps Plunged During Trump’s First Year
A New Violation Tracker Report
The ALEC Emperor’s New Clothes
North Carolina State Rep. Jason Saine Is ALEC’s National Chairman.
Why Are Railroads Funding ALEC?
Hint: Koch Industries is one of their biggest customers
Fracking Lobbyists Plan to Spend Big at Trump Hotel
The fracking lobby will host its annual “Congressional Call-Up” event at the Trump International Hotel in March.
Chicago’s “Independent” Project Six Funded By Illinois Policy Institute
CMD uncovers that Faisal Khan’s Project Six is funded almost totally by the Illinois Policy Institute.
Retribution and Revenge in the Wisconsin John Doe
The long running criminal investigation into whether or not Scott Walker and deep-pocketed dark money groups illegally coordinated the expenditure of some $30 million to win the 2012 recall elections should be old news by now.
Contempt of Court: Trump’s Judicial Blitz Betrays His Hostility to Rule of Law
Some of Trump’s most egregious nominees have dropped out, but his onslaught on the judiciary is very dangerous.