The Illinois governor’s race is a record breaker.
Campaign Finance Expert, Arn Pearson, Becomes CMD’s New Executive Director
The Center for Media and Democracy is pleased to announce that its General Counsel and Senior Policy Advisor, Arn Pearson, has been selected to be CMD’s new Executive Director.
Donors Trust, the Right-Wing Secret Money Machine, Doled Out $66.7 Million in 2016
Donors Trust funneled millions of dollars to controversial causes anonymously in 2016.
GOP wants to flood politics with dark money using hidden “policy riders”
Campaign finance reform was once a bipartisan issue. With Koch money flooding into the GOP, those days are gone.
Chinese Corporation Alibaba Joins Group Ghostwriting American Laws
The American Legislative Exchange Council’s newest member is Alibaba, a fast-growing Chinese corporation.
CMD’s Mary Bottari Wins Sidney Award for Tracing Billionaires’ Plot to Kill Unions
Mary Bottari wins March Sidney for “Behind Janus: Documents Reveal Decade-Long Plot to Kill Public Sector Unions,” published by In These Times.
Revealed: Names of ALEC Lobbyist and Legislator Members
The names of hundreds of members of the American Legislative Exchange Council (“ALEC”), details of which are closely guarded by the group, are revealed in a document obtained by Documented through a public records request.
Koch Document Reveals Laundry List of Policy Victories Extracted from the Trump Administration
The Koch brothers have won victory after victory in their bid to reshape American government to their interests.
Billionaire vs. Billionaire: Illinois Governors Race Breaking All State Campaign Finance Records
Three billionaires are pouring on the cash in a campaign finance arms race.
Corporate Criminals Unleashed: Federal Penalties Imposed on Largest Corps Plunged During Trump’s First Year
A New Violation Tracker Report