FreedomWorks and Convention of States Action, both with Koch network ties, have new initiatives to promote state-based protests against COVID-19 social distancing measures.
ALEC’s Post-Janus Wishlist Revealed in Policy Document
A “labor reform” booklet of 50 “state factsheets” obtained by the Center for Media and Democracy reveals the ambitious agenda of the American Legislative Exchange Council to further weaken public sector unions in the wake of the Supreme Court’s controversial ruling in Janus v. AFSCME.
42 of Right-Wing “Charitable” Group’s Trainees Elected in Wisconsin
American Majority, a right-wing tax-exempt “charitable” organization, celebrates the election of 42 of its trainees to state and local offices in last week’s controversial Wisconsin elections.
Devos-Funded Group Organizes Protest Against Michigan Governor’s Stay-at-Home Order
Right-wing protest in Lansing against Governor Whitmer’s coronavirus-related restrictions draws Confederate flags, swastikas, and chants of “Lock her up!”
CMD Joins 150+ Groups Calling on Congress to Ensure Integrity of Elections Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic
Groups push Congress for $4 billion in state election assistance and a package of voting accommodations to avoid repeats of last week’s Wisconsin primary fiasco that unnecessarily risked lives and disenfranchised voters.
Coronavirus Stimulus Bill Has Provision to Safeguard Union Organizing Drives: Right-Wing Groups Not Happy
Democrats slipped in a provision requiring medium sized businesses taking out CARES Act loans to “remain neutral” if their workers try to organize a union.
Forcing Wisconsin Voters to Risk Their Lives for Partisan Gain Is Just Plain Wrong
Prioritizing partisan political gain over public safety forced Wisconsin voters to put their lives on the line in order to exercise their right to vote.
Koch Foundation Criticizes Turning Point USA Even as Koch Network Funds the Group
The far-right, Trump-aligned student activist group Turning Point USA is attempting to exploit the coronavirus pandemic to out “radical leftist” professors “corrupting our youth.”
Koch-Backed Work Rule Requirements Suffer Setback at Hands of GOP Governor
Ohio Governor Mike DeWine asks Trump administration to drop work requirements for Medicaid, food stamps, and Temporary Assistance to Needy Families in the face of the coronavirus pandemic.
CMD Joins 200+ Groups to Call for Swift Action to Preserve 2020 Elections in Light of COVID-19 Pandemic
The Center for Media and Democracy has joined with more than 200 other concerned groups to call on Congress and state officials to take immediate action to ensure the public’s safety and orderly conduct during the 2020 elections.