The Center for Media and Democracy released a new report today, “Using Unions to Carry Big Oil’s Water,” detailing how the fossil fuel industry and the American Legislative Exchange Council cynically use unions to win Democratic support for legislation that criminalizes and chills environmental protests under the guise of “worker safety.”
Lawmakers in Corporate Pay-for-Play Network Push Bills Aimed at Intimidating Voters of Color
Don’t believe the hype about “woke” corporations taking public stands against Republican voter suppression. Behind the scenes, state lawmakers who work hand in hand with corporate lobbyists are leading the charge to restrict the vote.
Ben Jealous Talks with CMD About History of Racist Poll Watching
The Center for Media and Democracy spoke with People For the American Way President Ben Jealous about poll watching’s racist history and current resurgence.
Despite Covid, Koch’s Americans for Prosperity Continues Assault on Medicaid
Charles Koch’s advocacy organization still opposes increasing access to health care, even during the nation’s worst public health crisis in 100 years. It helped kill a constitutionally mandated Medicaid expansion in Missouri this year.
CMD President’s Senate Testimony on Dark Money Influence Over Federal Courts
CMD President Lisa Graves testified at a March Senate Judiciary subcommittee hearing on “The Big-Money Assault on Our Judiciary.” Video from the hearing and written testimony now available here.
CMD Presents Reporting at UnKoch Press Conference
At an UnKoch My Campus press conference, CMD’s Alex Kotch presented his reporting on how Charles Koch and Koch Industries aided the careers of the Republicans who spread lies about voter fraud and voted to overturn the 2020 presidential election.
More Staff Flee GOP Attorneys General Group After It Doubles Down on Insurrection
The long-time director of operations at the Republican Attorneys General Association follows Georgia AG Chris Carr out the exit door as the group’s internal split mirrors the GOP’s civil war over the Trump insurrection.
Rand Paul Is Working with ALEC to Suppress the Vote
In a video with the right-wing Texas Public Policy Foundation, the Kentucky senator made it clear that he’s teaming up with the American Legislative Exchange Council to back Trumpian voter suppression efforts this year.
Officials Use Digital Dodges to Hide Records
Lawmakers and the University of Wisconsin System should not be able to conduct the public’s business through secret channels.
Don’t Open the Door Further to Dark Money
The court’s new majority is being asked by billionaire Charles Koch’s nonprofits to expand on the notion that “money is speech.”