A CMD investigation reveals the identities of the donors behind a large portion of ALEC’s revenue as the group continues its attempts to hide its backers and its agenda from the public.
Koch Network Fights to Stop Medicaid Expansion in Remaining States
Charles Koch’s Americans for Prosperity and the Uihlein-funded Foundation for Government Accountability are actively opposing Medicaid expansion in 12 states that would cover an estimated 4 million uninsured Americans.
Defense Giants Spend Big on Lobbying and Elections to Boost Post-9/11 Profits
The top five defense contractors have spent over $1.2 billion on federal lobbying and campaign donations and scored trillions in Pentagon contracts since the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
Trump Die-Hards Launch MAGA Voter Suppression Center
Materials obtained by the Center for Media and Democracy detail a sophisticated, well-funded effort by the America First Policy Institute to engage state-level allies and coordinate with national right-wing groups working on elections to advance voter suppression measures embraced by the far right.
ALEC Claims Credit for Voter Suppression and Anti-Critical Race Theory Laws at Secret Meeting
ALEC boasted about its role in promoting and passing laws making it harder to vote, barring schools from teaching about America’s racist past, and protecting employers from COVID-related lawsuits at a May meeting of the right-wing Council for National Policy.
ALEC Lied About Its Work on Election Suppression Bills
ALEC claims that it “doesn’t work on voting issues,” but its CEO told a very different story to her right-wing audience at a Council for National Policy meeting in May.
Bradley Foundation Bankrolls Controversial ALEC Voter Software
The right-wing Bradley Foundation has earmarked at least $1.7M for ALEC’s distribution of sophisticated voter management software deeply tied to the Republican Party since 2017, the subject of an IRS whistleblower complaint and multiple state campaign finance complaints.
Companies That Publicly Opposed Voter Suppression Continue to Fund Voter Suppression Group
Major companies and law firms, including General Motors, Google, Facebook, and Holland & Knight, signed statements supporting voting rights while funding the Republican State Leadership Committee, which aggressively backs voter restrictions.
Group Run by Trump’s “Judge Whisperer” Leonard Leo Provides More Than a Third of RAGA’s Revenue So Far in 2021
The Republican Attorneys General Association reported $6.7 million in revenue in the first half of 2021, according to a mid-year IRS filing examined by the Center for Media and Democracy, $2.5 million of which came from came from a dark money group run by Trump’s go-to man for packing the federal courts with right-wing judges.
ALEC’s Annual Meeting Queues Up Fights Over Federal Powers, Fossil Fuels, Big Tech, Labor Rights, and the GOP’s Culture Wars
The American Legislative Exchange Council is holding its first post-Trump in-person meeting this week in Salt Lake City, Utah at the five-star Grand America Hotel.