The American Legislative Exchange Council provided the Christian Right Family Research Council access to its legislative members for a “Pro-Life Legislative Summit” immediately following its December policy conference in San Diego.
Maine Ethics Commission Votes to Subpoena ALEC Over Its Campaign Software Scheme
The Maine Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices voted 3-2 today to subpoena the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) for information about its provision of sophisticated campaign software to its legislative members.
Republican Group of State Financial Officers Takes on Woke Capitalism
Republican treasurers, auditors, and staff from 16 states are huddling together with corporate lobbyists and an array of right-wing groups for the State Financial Officers Foundation’s Annual Meeting in New Orleans this week to discuss strategies to combat “woke” policies, fake news, and China.
ALEC’s “Critical Energy Theory” Bills Moving in Four States
New ALEC and industry-backed bills that would blacklist banks that divest from fossil fuels have been introduced in Indiana, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and West Virginia so far this year.
ALEC’s New Push to Protect Corporations from Damage Claims
The American Legislative Exchange Council is promoting new model legislation designed to limit awards by juries in injury lawsuits.
Two Koch-Tied Candidates Vie for Colorado’s New 8th CD
One of the most highly contested 2022 U.S. Congressional races is in Colorado’s new 8th congressional district. The crowded race includes two candidates with strong ties to the Koch network opposing each other.
Donations Pour in for Trump’s Secretary of State Candidate in Arizona
First campaign reports from Mark Finchem, a Trump-endorsed insurrectionist, showcases the power of Trump’s disinformation campaign and national small-donor network.
The Right Is Trying to Rewrite the Constitution to Cement Minority Rule Forever
Convention of States, a right-wing group led by Tea Party organizer Mark Meckler, says it’s close to achieving enough supermajority control over state legislatures to make sweeping changes to the U.S. Constitution, even though its views aren’t popular.
ALEC Is Enabling Anti-LGBTQ Hate
Right-wing business lobby ALEC is defending hate groups and working to prevent companies from diversifying their staffs and taking liberal stances on social issues.
ALEC Launches Attack on Banks That Divest From Fossil Fuels
At today’s policy summit of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), state legislative and corporate members unanimously approved a model bill that would penalize companies that stop investing in or financing fossil fuels.