Republican state lawmakers, corporate lobbyists, and right-wing operatives are descending on Orlando this week for the 50th Annual Meeting of the American Legislative Exchange Council ready to fight “woke capitalism,” extend a lifeline to big polluters, ban ranked-choice voting, attack bodily autonomy, and consider an array of other model policies.
ALEC’s Funding Revealed
A review of hundreds of tax filings by the Center for Media and Democracy has uncovered 39%—or $16.4 million—of the $41.7 million ALEC received in contributions between 2017 and 2021.
ALEC Considers Blacklisting Companies That Voluntarily Recognize Unions
Republican state lawmakers and corporate lobbyists in the American Legislative Exchange Council will consider model legislation this week that creates new barriers to union organizing efforts across the country.
Leading Anti-ESG Lobbyists Represent Firearms and Fossil Fuel Industries
Representatives from the firearms industry and free-market think tanks are criss-crossing the country advocating for legislation that severely curtails—and often outright prohibits—state governments from considering environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors when making decisions about investments and contracts.
Walmart Heirs, Freedom Foundation Behind Latest Attack on Arkansas Teachers
With very little fanfare, Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders signed a host of new legislation in April—including SB 473, a bill that prohibits union dues from being automatically deducted from public school teachers’ salaries.
Federal Covid Relief Funds Fuel Koch-Backed Flat Tax “Revolution”
A decade-long push by Koch’s political and policy network to get more states to flatten or abolish income taxes is finally beginning to pay off, thanks to billions in federal Covid relief funds flowing to the states.
ALEC Is Using Wolf-PAC to Help the Right Rewrite the Constitution
In spearheading far-right efforts to rewrite the U.S. Constitution, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is increasingly counting on an unexpected ally: a campaign finance reform group founded during the Occupy Wall Street protests more than a decade ago.
ALEC’s State Ratings Favor Corporate Policy Wish-List Over Quality of Life
ALEC’s annual economic survey ranks states “rich” based on how closely states track the corporate pay-to-play group’s preferred tax and labor policies as opposed to actual quality of life factors such as wages, poverty rates, and access to healthcare.
Texas “Death Star” Bill on Track to Decimate Local Worker and Consumer Protections
An omnibus regulatory preemption bill in Texas—where versions are currently being considered in both the Senate and the House—would strip local governments of the ability to protect workers, consumers, and the environment.
ALEC Loses Last-Ditch Efforts to Blunt Repeal of Michigan’s “Right-to-Work” Law
Michigan’s Senate and House have both passed legislation to repeal the state’s “right-to-work” law despite attempts by three ALEC-aligned Republican senators to salvage the anti-union legislation the group helped pass more than a decade ago.