How did an ALEC anti-union “model bill” end up in a small town in Illinois?
Ford Becomes Latest Major Corporation to Dump ALEC
Ford responded to consumer concern over its membership in ALEC.
Corporate Interests Take Aim at Local Democracy
Corporate interests are taking aim at local government.
Koch-Fueled Playbook against Working Families Exposed by CMD
“Wages in RTW states are 3.1 percent lower than those in non-RTW states. . . This translates into RTW being associated with $1,558 lower annual wages for a typical full-time, full-year worker.”
Reporters’ Guide on the Koch Right to Work Playbook
West Virginia is the latest front in a national battle to undermine worker rights bankrolled by the billionaire Koch brothers.
CMD Submits Evidence of ExxonMobil Funding ALEC’s Climate Change Denial to California Attorney General
Yep, it’s true, #ExxonKnew. ExxonMobil has promoted climate change denial as a major funder of ALEC.
Right-Wing Network Puts Friedrichs v. California Teachers in Samuel Alito’s Lap
U.S Justice Samuel Alito has been scouring the land looking for a case to make his mark on history. Now, he has found one.
Koch Self-Interest in Criminal Justice Reform, Exposed
The Koch brothers have received positive press for supporting criminal justice reform, but the evidence shows that, in part, they are in it for themselves.
ALEC Invites Politicians to “Plan Your 2016 Agenda” at ALEC Confab in Scottsdale
ALEC’s States and Nation Policy Summit will be held in Scottsdale, Arizona, December 2-4.
ALEC Conference Funding Dominated by Big Polluters
At the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) 2015 annual meeting in San Diego, California, dirty energy companies and their supporters–including ExxonMobil, Chevron, and Duke Energy–continue to dominate the funding of activities, according to a list of conference sponsors obtained jointly by the Center for Media and Democracy and Greenpeace.