Right-wing opponents to vote-by-mail and other reforms that would expand voter participation have been busy this summer trying to whip up opposition to the states’ attempts to accommodate voters during the pandemic and undermine public confidence in mail-in ballots.
Corporate Lobby Group Attacks Teachers’ Unions in Call for Schools to Reopen Despite COVID-19 Risks
Bankrolled by anti-labor billionaires, the Job Creators Network is using its push for schools to reopen quickly as a wedge issue to attack teachers unions.
ALEC and GOP Push Corporate Immunity From COVID-19 Workplace Illnesses and Deaths
ALEC joins with other business lobbyists and Senate Republicans to back sweeping immunity for corporations that negligently spread coronavirus to their workers or customers.
ALEC 2020 Annual Meeting Attendees and Sponsors Revealed
The American Legislative Exchange Council’s (ALEC) annual meeting continues this week online with workshops on rewriting the U.S. Constitution, reopening schools amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, and school privatization.
ALEC Exploits Pandemic to Push Right-Wing Policy Goals at Annual Meeting
The American Legislative Exchange Council holds its Annual Meeting virtually over the next two weeks after its original location, Florida, became the new epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic.
American Legislative Exchange Council Backs Trump on Confederate Monuments, Policing
The corporate lobby group has reentered the culture wars by siding with Trump on race issues eight years after retreating because of public backlash against its “Stand Your Ground” and voter ID bills.
CMD Files IRS Complaint Against Fair Lines America Foundation for Misreporting Its 2018 Income
GOP-aligned redistricting group failed to disclose $225,000 channeled through DonorsTrust, the conduit of choice for the Koch political donors network.
Koch-Backed Groups Fight to Block Ohio COVID-19 Bailouts, Despite Crushing Pandemic Deficits
Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine already slashed state spending by $775 million, the state faces another $2.4 billion shortfall, and county and municipal governments face staggering deficits due to the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, but Koch-funded groups are lobbying to stop a federal government bailout.
ALEC Economist Denies Red State Coronavirus Surge Just Hours Before Texas Governor Warns About Spike in Hospitalizations
Stephen Moore, the leading economist for the corporate lobby front group that has pushed for a rapid reopening of the economy and COVID-19 immunity for employers, denied there’s a growing health crisis in the South and West as the same day Texas Gov. Greg Abbott held a press conference to deal with spiking cases and hospitalizations in Texas.
Bradley Spent Millions on Voter Suppression, Union Busters, Climate Deniers, and Right-Wing Media in 2019
The Milwaukee-based foundation pumped more than $42 million in 2019 into a network of right-wing groups dedicated to attacking unions, blocking climate action, creating obstacles to voting, and promoting the GOP’s political power and policy agenda.