American Legislative Exchange Council faces new backlash over its leading role in pushing new voting restrictions in battleground states.
Wisconsin Loophole Lets Legislators Destroy Embarrassing Emails
At the heart of this exemption from the retention rules for state lawmakers are arrogance and cowardice. Arrogance that legislators don’t think they should be subject to the same scrutiny as other public officials. Cowardice that they’re afraid of the scrutiny.
New Report: The Big Oil and ALEC Ploy for Getting Unions to Help Chill Climate Protests
The Center for Media and Democracy released a new report today, “Using Unions to Carry Big Oil’s Water,” detailing how the fossil fuel industry and the American Legislative Exchange Council cynically use unions to win Democratic support for legislation that criminalizes and chills environmental protests under the guise of “worker safety.”
CMD President’s Senate Testimony on Dark Money Influence Over Federal Courts
CMD President Lisa Graves testified at a March Senate Judiciary subcommittee hearing on “The Big-Money Assault on Our Judiciary.” Video from the hearing and written testimony now available here.
Leaking Oil and Gas Wells: A Ticking Time Bomb
Wells left unplugged by oil and gas companies can emit methane, cause explosions, and leak chemicals that find their way into drinking water.
The Food Industry Is Shaping the Principles of Scientific Integrity, Study Says
The food industry has been trying to revise the standards and principles by which science is conducted in ways that benefit industry.
Now Is Our Last Best Chance to Confront the Climate Crisis
With Joe Biden in office, a serious plan to combat climate change is finally in our sights — but the clock is ticking, and there is no more room for error.
CMD President Lisa Graves to Testify Before Senate Judiciary on the Right’s Dark Money Campaign to Capture U.S. Courts
The Center for Media and Democracy’s president, Lisa Graves, will testify before the U.S. Senate Judiciary’s Subcommittee on Federal Courts at 3:00 p.m. ET on March 10, 2021 in a hearing titled, “What’s Wrong with the Supreme Court: The Big-Money Assault on Our Judiciary.”
Open Government Groups Call on Biden to Make Transparency a Top Priority
CMD joins 42 other organizations in a letter calling on President Biden to strengthen FOIA, preserve key Trump administration documents, and stop the over-classification of government information.
CMD Joins Call for Trump’s Removal from Office
CMD’s executive director and president of the board have joined with more than 1,300 attorneys to defend the rule of law and call for President Trump’s removal from office for inciting his backers to insurrection.