ALEC continues to honor the dishonorable.
Pruitt Plot Thickens: Koch Industries Bought Stake in LNG Giant Cheniere
Koch Industries bought a stake in LNG giant Cheniere during same period that EPA’s Scott Pruitt traveled to Morocco at taxpayer expense to promote LNG exports and rented a townhouse co-owned by the wife of its lobbyist.
Campaign Finance in Illinois: One Record Set, Another Record on the Way
The Illinois governor’s race is a record breaker.
Koch Compliance: Georgia-Pacific Plants Have Troubling Health and Safety Record Including Seven Deaths
When it comes to worker safety, actions matter more than words.
Billionaire vs. Billionaire: Illinois Governors Race Breaking All State Campaign Finance Records
Three billionaires are pouring on the cash in a campaign finance arms race.
The ALEC Emperor’s New Clothes
North Carolina State Rep. Jason Saine Is ALEC’s National Chairman.
Why Are Railroads Funding ALEC?
Hint: Koch Industries is one of their biggest customers
Carrying Water for the Kochs, Mackinac Center Misleads on Professional Licensing
The Koch brothers have been on a tear, demanding the roll back of occupational licensing in states, claiming that “government overreach” is creating “barriers to opportunity” for average Americans.
GOP Tax Bill Will Trigger Fiscal Crisis, Conservative Group Warns
SPN group says a multitrillion-dollar bailout of cities and states will be needed if Congress eliminates the SALT deduction.
ALEC Corporate Members Lay Off Over 12,000 Workers in 2017
Pharma leads the way.