ALEC is good at protecting the “rights” of corporations, not so good at encouraging its members to protect the legal rights of their employees.
Louisiana Senator Sharon Hewitt, ALEC’s Legislator of the Year, Voted “No” on Equal Pay for Equal Work
The fact that Louisiana has the worst gender pay gap in the nation doesn’t seem to bother her.
ALEC Union Busting Proposal Defeated in Michigan Lame Duck
Bill’s author never met the threshold for election that he is demanding for union recertification.
Truckers Run Over Railroads at ALEC
ALEC passes resolution backed by UPS and FedEx encouraging Congress to allow twin 33-foot trailers on the road.
Koch Machine Suffers Major Losses on Its Health Care Agenda
Koch network groups failed to stop Medicaid expansion measure in three states and lost many of its health care allies.
Koch’s New Super PAC Loses Six of Nine Incumbents in Key Targeted House Races
Americans for Prosperity Action achieved mixed results in its first general election.
Koch Big Federal Election Spending a Mixed Bag So Far
Many Koch candidates in tough battles with less than two weeks left until the 2018 Midterm elections.
KochPAC “Pay to Play” Aims to Slow Solar, Renewables
Congressional recipients of Koch money lead charge on bad energy legislation.
Americans for Prosperity Lies in Recent Tennessee, Wisconsin TV Ads
Koch astroturf group’s ads are fake news.
Kochs Put Cash over Principle to Endorse Pro-ACA Rep. Will Hurd
Vote to give Kochs a $1.4 billion tax windfall trumps Affordable Care Act repeal when it comes to tight Texas House race.