The American Legislative Exchange Council’s (ALEC) annual meeting continues this week online with workshops on rewriting the U.S. Constitution, reopening schools amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, and school privatization.
ALEC Exploits Pandemic to Push Right-Wing Policy Goals at Annual Meeting
The American Legislative Exchange Council holds its Annual Meeting virtually over the next two weeks after its original location, Florida, became the new epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic.
Bradley Foundation Bankrolled Right-Wing Reopen Effort Despite Rising Coronavirus Cases
The Milwaukee-based foundation funded many of the groups behind the right-wing campaign against coronavirus public safety measures and made specific grants to support rapid reopening efforts. Since then, COVID-19 cases have soared across the U.S. and in Wisconsin.
Bradley Spent Millions on Voter Suppression, Union Busters, Climate Deniers, and Right-Wing Media in 2019
The Milwaukee-based foundation pumped more than $42 million in 2019 into a network of right-wing groups dedicated to attacking unions, blocking climate action, creating obstacles to voting, and promoting the GOP’s political power and policy agenda.
ALEC Holds Tutorial with Republican’s “Chief Authority on Redistricting” Amidst Pandemic
American Legislative Exchange Council which claims to be a “nonpartisan” charitable group, connects Republican legislators with Fair Lines America, the GOP’s leading group for opposing voter-enacted redistricting reforms and crafting the party’s 2020 redistricting strategy.
Right-Wing Out-of-State Funders Bankroll Anti-Union Campaigns in Ohio
National deep pockets backing GOP and corporate interests have pumped more than $9 million into the Buckeye Institute and the Freedom Foundation, the two groups leading attacks on public employee unions in Ohio.
ALEC Leading Right-Wing Campaign to Reopen the Economy Despite COVID-19
Documents obtained by CMD show the extent of the corporate lobby group’s role in pressuring the states to force a rapid reopening of the economy despite strong public resistance and health concerns.
Wisconsin Coronavirus Protest Draws Hundreds to State Capital
Protesters eschew masks and social distancing to protest Governor Evers’s stay-at-home order and back a Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce plan to reopen businesses at a capitol rally promoted by right-wing groups.
Anti-Coronavirus Lockdown Rally in Ohio Led by Trumpists and Tea Party Members
The billionaire-backed libertarian group FreedomWorks is promoting the protest on its new Reopen America webpage.
ALEC’s Post-Janus Wishlist Revealed in Policy Document
A “labor reform” booklet of 50 “state factsheets” obtained by the Center for Media and Democracy reveals the ambitious agenda of the American Legislative Exchange Council to further weaken public sector unions in the wake of the Supreme Court’s controversial ruling in Janus v. AFSCME.