Seventeen states have enacted broad anti-disclosure laws since 2018 that will further conceal the influence of dark money in politics based on model language first developed by the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). Indiana, Kentucky, and Alabama are the most recent states to pass versions of the so-called “Personal Privacy Protection Act” being championed by ALEC and allied right-wing groups claiming to be defenders of the First Amendment.
Most versions of the bill broadly prohibit state agencies from gathering information about donors to nonprofit organizations, and some go further to shelter nonprofits from political spending disclosure rules and even immunize dark money groups from campaign finance investigations.
For years right-wing operatives including ALEC, the State Policy Network (SPN), and Americans for Prosperity (AFP) have been waging an assault against disclosure and transparency laws. As the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) reported, that culminated in a favorable Koch-bankrolled 2021 Supreme Court ruling barring California from collecting the exact same information on major donors required by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
IRS regulations require nonprofits to disclose their largest donors. Though the information is not available to the public, it has traditionally been shared with state governments to aid in investigations of fraud.
Opponents of disclosure rules argue that conservative donors face discrimination and unwanted scrutiny by the federal government. They rely heavily on the 1958 Supreme Court case NAACP v. Alabama—which upheld the Black civil rights organization’s prerogative to refuse to disclose its membership for fear of retribution—to make their case for keeping the identity of donors secret. This comes in the midst of national fear-mongering by Republicans—spearheaded by the House Panel on the Weaponization of the Federal Government—about how social media companies and disinformation researchers are colluding with the federal government to suppress conservative speech.
“What has been going on for a number of years now is that leftist organizations—George Soros-funded organizations and entities—have been working to try to force disclosure of donors to nonprofit organizations,” according to far-right legal operative Cleta Mitchell, current head of the Conservative Partnership Institute’s voter-suppression group, the Elections Integrity Network.
“They want to do that because they want a target list of donors to conservative organizations so that they can intimidate and chill the willingness of conservatives to give money to conservative issue groups,” Mitchell continued, speaking at a recent ALEC gathering.
In 2016, ALEC introduced both its Resolution in Support of Nonprofit Donor Privacy, and later published a Donor Disclosure Legislative Toolkit, in “response to attempts to expand the scope and application of donor disclosure requirements of nonprofit tax-exempt organizations.” The same year, SPN founded People United for Privacy (PUFP)—which later spun off into its own nonprofit—in order to push for anti-disclosure legislation.
A PUFP messaging kit distributed at the SPN 2019 Annual Meeting produced by Heart Mind strategies and obtained by CMD calls nonprofit donor disclosure a “problem” and provides tips on how to spin opposition to it in terms of “privacy,” “free speech,” and personal harassment.
Going Dark in the States
Since 2018, ALEC’s model anti-disclosure legislation has picked up speed in state legislatures. A majority of the bills that have passed have been sponsored by ALEC politicians, with wording lifted directly from ALEC’s anti-disclosure playbook, though many local groups have lobbied in favor of the bills.
PUFP appears to be leading the charge in public advocacy of the Personal Privacy Protection Act (PPPA) bills based on ALEC’s resolution. In recent years, the group and its related foundation have received $1.1 million from SPN and $1.4 million from DonorsTrust, the preferred funding vehicle for Koch network donors.
“While each state’s version of the law varies to fit its particular needs,” PUFP said in a statement on PPPA legislation, “the fundamental principle is always the same: The PPPA prohibits state agencies and officials from demanding or publicly disclosing information about an individual’s support for nonprofit causes.”
Arizona was the first state to pass a version of the PPPA (HB 2153), as CMD reported in 2018. Former State Representative Vince Leach (R-11), who went on to serve four years in the state senate (2019–23), sponsored the bill. He had been a member of ALEC since at least 2020, and in mid January 2021, he participated in an ALEC gathering with the radical right group Turning Point USA, which played a key role in promoting former President Trump’s false claims of widespread voter fraud.
In 2019, Mississippi became the second state to embrace PPPA legislation. State Representative Jerry R. Turner (R-18), the principal author of HB 1205, first joined ALEC in 2016 and served on its Education and Workforce Development task force. Six of the eight other authors were also ALEC members.
The campaign to curb transparency picked up speed in 2020, when three states—Oklahoma (HB 3613), Utah (SB 171), and West Virginia (SB 16)—all passed similar legislation with primary sponsors who were ALEC members.
In 2021, the trend shifted slightly, with an ALEC sponsor involved in only one of the four states (Tennessee, Arkansas, Iowa, and South Dakota) that passed PPPA legislation. That was in Arkansas, where the bill was sponsored by a current ALEC state chair. In South Dakota, the legislation was a priority of former ALEC member and current Republican Governor Kristi Noem.
In 2021, the New York legislature also passed a limited bill—signed into law by Democratic Governor Kathy Hochul—which curbed donor transparency, a move considered by the conservative Philanthropy Roundtable as “an important step in defending the privacy of donors.”
The three states that successfully passed PPPA legislation this year—through SB 59 in Alabama, HB 1212 in Indiana, and SB 62 in Kentucky—built on the four states that succeeded in 2022: Virginia (HB 970), Kansas (HB 2109), Missouri (HB 2400), and New Hampshire (SB 302). This year legislation died in committee in Nebraska (LB 297) and Pennsylvania (SB 831).
PPPA’s Passage in the States
In recent years, a number of attempts to pass PPPA legislation have failed, either in state legislatures or due to gubernatorial vetoes.
In 2018, then Governor Rick Snyder (R) vetoed a similar bill (SB 1176) in Michigan that passed in the state legislature, saying: “I believe this legislation is a solution in search of a problem that does not exist in Michigan.” The bill had been sponsored by State Senator Mike Shirkey (R-16), who attended ALEC’s 2020 States and Nation Policy Summit. In vetoing North Carolina’s SB 636 in 2021, Democratic Governor Roy Cooper pointed out that the bill was “unnecessary and may limit transparency with political contributions.”
Louisiana Representative Mark Wright (R-77), the current ALEC state chair, proposed HB 303 in 2020 but it died in committee.
This year one of the first big blowbacks to the model legislation erupted after concerns were raised over its impact on government transparency. Reform legislation has been proposed in Missouri after Republican Governor Mike Parson shut down access to state contracts and cited the recently enacted PPPA as justification for withholding information about a fundraiser held at the governor’s mansion.
ALEC’s and PUFP’s model legislation has morphed over the years as it has enjoyed successes and suffered failures in various state legislatures, according to Aaron McKean, legal counsel for state and local reform at the Campaign Legal Center.
“If you look at how these bills develop, you can see that they start from a poorly conceived and unnecessary model bill and then they become riddled with exceptions, to such an extent that you have to wonder what the real motivations are, what’s really left,” McKean told CMD. “It just goes to show how poorly these bills are drafted.”
“ALEC’s anti-disclosure legislation is an open invitation to corruption and is being used to circumvent the most basic disclosure laws,” said Viki Harrison, director of Constitutional Convention and Protecting Dissent Programs at Common Cause.
A Bipartisan Mirage
This year’s PPPA legislation in Alabama was the first introduced by a Democratic lawmaker—State Senator Rodger Smitherman (D-18), who also introduced a successful amendment to include lawmakers in existing legislation that exempts judges, law enforcement officers, and prosecutors from needing to release their personal information. The senator’s office did not respond to a request for comment.
Indeed, advocacy around anti-disclosure measures has made for some unusual bedfellows. The ACLU regularly argues in favor of such legislation alongside AFP. Proponents of PPPA are quick to argue that anti-disclosure legislation is bipartisan, eager to cite what they call “ideological diversity.”
PUFP had previously led a coalition that opposed the For the People Act (HR 1), the 2021 voting rights bill backed by House Democrats that would have significantly enhanced nonprofit donor transparency.
This week House Republicans introduced an omnibus bill that contains anti-disclosure provisions called the American Confidence in Elections (ACE) Act, which they tout as the “most conservative election integrity bill to be seriously considered in the House in over 20 years.” Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has vowed that the Senate will not consider the legislation this session, according to Roll Call.
I’m a victim of the Wv goverment,charleston lawyers, attorney’s and the workers compensation, the state bar and the top offices of West Virginia’s on going scheme to cover foreign corporation. From fraud,forgery,fraud of the court and on the court. Forced mediation and contempt of court. Multiple torts involved in my cases. With white color crimes that are just plain shameful. The scheme since 2019 and removing all trust in Wv democracy. The nepotism and brotherhood of this ongoing criminal acivity still looms over West Virginia and has been nick named “The judicial hell hole”.Im affended to the highest degree that the only description would be Treason against the Wv judicial branch , The Secretary of State, The executive branch, as well of the special sessions by using the State of emergency. With the use of dismissing and passing laws ,common and amending laws with limited public awareness. The good old boy politics is absurd. The clerks for civil trials, the processing of important details on record to the bookie like handling of court documents and unprofessional behaviors.the forced online hearings ,kangaroo courts I believe have topped the slop jar. The ex-parte planing and judge just clearing the schedule for pre hearing , and denied trail by jury by forced settlement. I also found after my attorney’s flipped sides and built a defense for the cable corporations and fraudulent representation for my federal case with constitutional law and civil valations. I HAVE BEEN REACHING OUT FOR SOME TIME..The fbi, doj. And civil rights unions, non profit and the media.My case hase been AI and software breached, and all over the Isp network allowing them to destroy meta data, evidence , wiretapping and using the goverment software to committed forgery, they have taken almost 5 yrs of my life, happiness as well as black balled behavior. I need the proper authorities to take on this shameful criminal activities with the upmost importance. I’M sure im not the only wv worker that has been a victim.But im the Victim that holds the the fishnet full of these bad apples..I need help pulling the net to the shore.Its full..So is the clown car..I Ask my fellow friends, partners,and citizens to demand to unseal my case to the public and a complete new trial and oversite from the federal government agencies that handle corruption of goverment against its people.I would like to propose several laws to get ahold of the forced position of having lawyers to file the unnecessary, and purposely difficult to handle court business and to have a part in your own case without the robbery of non paying firms of taxes and stealing settlement and medical payments or rewards. Placing taxes on the victims after they steal a unknown settlement and dealing it around to the criminal actors and government place holders. The Atrifical intelligence is out of control in court cases as well as purposely staging default judgements, state and federal law conflicts, passing around mediation that is fraud as well as fraudulent acts to support the lies of which the victims are not even aware of the total involvement of each step in the scheme.These criminals will stuff court records with fraudulent information clear up the court system . You will not see the damning medical information made up to keep you out of the court room.The fraudulent doctors, behavior fake psychological damage that is written about you.This hasn’t even topped of the port flooding , redirect hacking and taking over your life by forcing all complaints to be filed and completed on the very networked owned Internet service provider that is in valation of work laws and communications fraud with Fcc..When your tax money involves 2.9 billion dallors and you pay a data bill.This is quite the problem.I was a Fiber installer for the newprojects all across the state if Wv.I also was a critical plant technician. Also a special project and technical network problem solver. From head to your device. From noise midagation to engineering changes. I witness plants that have failed over do to outdated system and physical plant design that wasn’t capable of handling the new technology. From heat temperatures in the summer causing outages that could not be fixed do to power requirements and Amp shortages to run the amplifiers.Ive witnessed false fcc reporting of system audits, public service complaints just band-aid. BILLING ABUSE..driving billable calls .Charging service calls for plant issues. BANDWITH SUPPORT FAILURE TO SUPPORT CUSTOMER volume on nodes.I and others had installed temporary main trunk lines as well as feeder..That still hangs today after doing complete calculations and material list with all details to be approved. I have seen employeds with families get fired for the repeat trouble calls that came back over and over. The avoiding of dispatching maintenance crews to correct the issues.The fake billing from sub contractors to gain on taxes over billing of emergency calls and made up outages without leaving the comfort of there homes and office.The shame to even have been an employee haunts me. This is why I’m a danger not only these criminals but I will expose the disgustingoverment of wv political involvement. I’M A WHISTLER FOR A DAMN GOOD CAUSE..I can’t change this world full of chaos..But I will put these criminals on notice.With your help.Just by calling out the seals of blatant coverup. To expose the hacking , data, conflict of intrest, breach of customer information, workplace fear , The list is long. They have caused so many people who love this state of wv to pay, to be inconvenienced ,from business to citizens. My personal life has been scared deeply.But I will not stop till I get the answer and justice for we the people of this state. I have contemplated my involvement and choices.I want to live a normal life but they have crossed the line of a very forgiving person. For this group of criminals to continue there day to day destructive path, motives to take all they can and evil destruction of happiness with no consequences ,no penalties of any wrong doing. I DESPISE A BULLY, and the resolution is to face the problem with force of the people who doesn’t preform there duties of we the peoples public intrest of corporations and wv government. JOHN C.MCDONALD VS. ALTICE TECHNICAL SERVICES,ALTICE SA,ALTICE EU, SUDDENLINK COMMUNICATIONS,OPTIMUM. the list has many manet names sourced at the SECRETARY OF STATE..feel free to get the documents of any business lisc..sec goverment listing go on on and on.From the unbelievable company switching to names that just are blatant. YOUR TAXE MONEY..WHAT INSURANCE COVERAGE..wv insurance commission.What is going on general of wv, what is going on Executive office..What the hell is going on wv judicial branch..2.9 billion you can’t even have a secure site?? WOW . Let’s take a look I have..boy wv..We are on trouble.Pull you heads out of your devices..we have shit to address and we are late aready..ARE FUTURE AS A FREE STATE IS BEEN COMPRIMISED..BY CORUPTION, CORPORATION, FORIEGN, LOCAL.We have been sold out..Open for business has big plans..FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT MY WV FRIENDS..the time has come to open the eyes to the world..We are not the people that lay. THEY ARE NOT DOING ANYTHING FOR THE PEOPLE ON THIS NOTE..this is treason..civil 19-cv-1042 , 19-cv-00874.. Remove seal oversite , trial.. LIVE TO THE PUBLIC…It could be you. DEMAND OPEN AND FULL REVIEW FROM START TO FINISH..HELP ME PULL THIS FULL NET TO THE SHORE..your rights ,your privileges, your justice. SPECIAL PUBLIC INTRUST…time to put them on notice..