Editor’s Note: The following is a transcript of remarks made by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) in the October 13, 2020, Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Thank you, Chairman, Judge Barrett. You can take a bit of a breather on your return to the committee, because what I want to do is go through with the people who are watching this now the conversation that you and I had when we spoke on the telephone. You were kind enough to hear out a presentation that I made, and I intend to ask some questions in that area, but it doesn’t make sense to ask questions if I haven’t laid the predicate, particularly for viewers who are watching this.
So, I guess the reason that I want to do this is because people who are watching this need to understand that this small hearing room and the little TV box that you are looking at, the little screen that you are looking at, are a little bit like the frame of a puppet theater, and if you only look at what’s going on in the puppet theater you’re not going to understand the whole story. You are not going to understand the real dynamic what is going on here, and you are certainly not going to understand forces outside of this room who are pulling strings and pushing sticks and causing the puppet theater to react.
So first, let me say, why do I think outside forces are here pulling strings? Well, part of it is behavior. We have colleagues here who supported you, this nominee, before there was a nominee. That’s a little unusual.
We have the political ram job that we have already complained of driving this process through at breakneck speed in the middle of a pandemic while the Senate is closed for safety reasons and while we are doing nothing about the COVID epidemic around us. We have some very awkward 180s from colleagues. Mr. Chairman, you figure in this. Our leader said back when it was Garland versus Gorsuch, that of course, of course, the American people should have a say in the Court’s direction. Of course, of course, said Mitch McConnell. That’s long gone.
Senator Grassley said the American people shouldn’t be denied a voice. That’s long gone. Senator Cruz said you don’t do this in an election year. That’s long gone. And our chairman made his famous hold-the-tape promise if an opening comes in the last year of President Trump’s term we’ll wait until the next election. That’s gone too.
So there is a lot of hard-to-explain hypocrisy and rush taking place right now, and my experience around politics is that when you find hypocrisy in the daylight, look for power in the shadows. Now people say well, what does all this matter? This is a political parlor game; it’s no big deal. Well, there are some pretty high stakes here that we have been talking about here on our side, and I will tell you three of them right here.
Roe v. Wade, Obergefell, and the Obamacare cases. Here’s the GOP platform, the Republican platform, the platform of my colleagues on the other side of this aisle say that a Republican president will appoint judges who will reverse Roe, Obergefell, and the Obamacare cases. So if you have a family member with an interest in some autonomy over their body under Roe v. Wade, the ability to have a marriage, have friends marry, have a niece or a daughter or a son marry someone of their same-sex they have – you’ve got a stake, and if you are one of the millions and millions of Americans who depend on the affordable care act you’ve got a stake.
It’s not just the platform. Over and over again, let’s start by talking about the Affordable Care Act. Here is the president talking about this litigation that we are gearing up this nominee for for November 10. In this litigation, he said we want to terminate healthcare under Obamacare.
That is the president’s statement, so when we react to that, don’t act as if we are making this stuff up. This is what President Trump said. This is what your party platform says: reverse the Obamacare cases. Senator after senator, including many in this committee, filed briefs saying that the Affordable Care Act should be thrown out by courts. Why is it surprising for us to be concerned that you want this nominee to do what you want nominees to do?
One quick stop on NFIB v. Sebelius, because a lot of this has to do with money. This is an interesting comparison. National Federation of Independent Businesses, until it filed the NFIB v. Sebelius case, had its biggest donation ever of $21,000. In the year that it went to work on the Affordable Care Act, ten wealthy donors gave $10 million. Somebody deserves a thank you.
So let’s go on to Roe v. Wade. Same thing. Same thing. The president has said that reversing Roe v. Wade will happen automatically because he is putting pro-life justices on the Court. Why would we not take him at his word? The Republican Party platform says it will reverse Roe. Why would we not comment on that and take you at your word?
Senators here, including Senator Hawley, have said I will vote only for nominees who acknowledge that Roe v. Wade is wrongly decided, and their pledge to vote for this nominee. Do the math. That’s a really simple equation to run.
The Republican brief in June Medical said Roe should be overruled, so don’t act surprised when we ask questions about whether that’s what you are up to here. And finally, out in the ad world that you have spared yourself wisely Judge Barrett, the Susan B Anthony Foundation is running advertisements right now saying that you are set, you are set to give our pro-life country a Court that it deserves.
Here is the ad with the voiceover. She said – she said. And then Roe, Obamacare cases and Obergefell, gay marriages. National Organization for Marriage, the big group that opposes same-sex marriage, says in this proceeding, all our issues are at stake. The Republican platform says it wants to reverse Obergefell. And the Republican brief filed in the case said same-sex relationships don’t fall within any constitutional protection, so when we say the stakes are high on this, it’s because you have said the stakes are high on this. You have said that is what you want to do. So how are people going about doing it? What is the scheme here?
Let me start with this one. In all cases, there’s big anonymous money behind various lanes of activity. One lane of activity is through the conduit of the Federalist Society. It is managed by a guy – was managed by – a guy named Leonard Leo, and it has taken over the selection of judicial nominees. How do we know that to be the case? Because Trump has said so over and over again. His White House counsel said so. So we have an anonymously funded group controlling judicial selection run by this guy Leonard Leo.
Then in another lane, we have again anonymous funders running through something called the Judicial Crisis Network, which is run by Carrie Severino, and it is doing PR and campaign ads for Republican judicial nominees. It got $17 million – a single $17 million donation in the Garland-Gorsuch contest. It got another single $17 million donation to support Kavanaugh. Somebody, perhaps the same person, spent $35 million to influence the United States Supreme Court. Tell me that’s good.
And then over here you have a whole array of legal groups, also funded by dark money, which have a different role. They bring cases to the Court. They don’t wind their way to the Court, your Honor, they get shoved to the Court to by these legal groups, many of which ask to lose below so they can get quickly to the Court to get their business done there. And then they turn up in a chorus, an orchestrated chorus of amici.
Now I’ve had a chance to have a look at this. And I was in a case, actually, as an amicus myself, the Consumer Financial Protection Board case. And in that case there were 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 amicus briefs filed, and every single one of them was a group funded by something called DonorsTrust.
DonorsTrust is a gigantic identity-scrubbing device for the right wing so that it says DonorsTrust is the donor without whoever the real donor is. It doesn’t have a business. It doesn’t have a business plan. It doesn’t do anything. It’s just an identity scrubber.
And this group here, the Bradley Foundation, funded eight out of the 11 briefs. That seems weird to me when you have amicus briefs coming in little flotillas that are funded by the same groups but nominally separate in the court.
So I actually attached this to my brief as an appendix. Center for Media and Democracy saw it, and they did better work. They went on to say which foundations funded the brief writers in that CFPB case. Here is the Bradley Foundation for $5.6 million to those groups. Here’s DonorsTrust, $23 million to those brief writing groups. The grand total across all the donor groups was $68 million to the groups that were filing amicus briefs, pretending that they were different groups.
And it’s not just in the Consumer Financial Protection Board case. You might say well that was just a one-off. Here’s Janus, the anti-labor case that had a long trail through the Court, through Friedrichs, and through Knox, and through other decisions.
And SourceWatch and ProPublica did some work about this. Here’s DonorsTrust and Donors Capital Fund. And here’s the Bradley Foundation. And they totaled giving $45 million to the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 groups that filed amicus briefs, pretending to be different groups, and both of the lawyer groups in the case, funded by DonorsTrust, funded by Bradley Foundation in Janus.
This is happening over and over and over again, and it goes beyond just the briefs. It goes beyond just the amicus presentations. The Federalist Society – remember this group that is acting as the conduit and that Donald Trump has said is doing his judicial selection? They’re getting money from the same foundations, from DonorsTrust, $16.7 million and the Bradley Foundation, $1.37 million. From the same group of foundations total, $33 million.
So you can start to look at these, and you can start to tie them together. The legal groups, all the same funders over and over again, bringing the cases and providing us orchestrated, orchestrated chorus of amici. Then the same group also funds the Federalist Society over here. The Washington Post wrote a big expose about this, and that made Leonard Leo a little hot, a little bit like a burned agent. So he had to jump out. And he went off to go do anonymously-funded voter suppression work. Guess who jumped in to take over the selection process in this case for Judge Barrett? Carrie Severino made the hop. So once again, ties right in together.
So, Center for Media and Democracy did a little bit more research. Here’s a Bradley Foundation memo that they’ve published. The Bradley Foundation is reviewing a grant application asking for money for this orchestrated amicus process, and what do they say in the staff recommendation? It is important to orchestrate – their word, not mine – important to orchestrate high-caliber amicus efforts before the Court.
They also note that Bradley has done previous philanthropic investments in the actual underlying legal actions. So Bradley is funding – what do they call – philanthropically investing in, the underlying legal action and then giving money to groups to show up in the orchestrated chorus of amici. That can’t be good.
And it goes on, because they also found this email. This email comes from an individual at the Bradley Foundation, and it asks our friend, Leonard Leo, who used to run the selection process, is there a 501(c)(3) nonprofit to which Bradley could direct any support of the two Supreme Court amicus projects other than DonorsTrust? I don’t know why they wanted to avoid the reliable identity-scrubber DonorsTrust, but for some reason they did.
So Leonard Leo writes back on Federalist Society address – so don’t tell me that it isn’t Federal Society business – on Federalist Society, on his address, he writes back, yes, send it to the Judicial Education Project, which could take and allocate the money. And guess who works for the Judicial Education Project? Carrie Severino, who also helped select this nominee, running the Trump Federalist Society selection process.
So the connections abound. In the Washington Post article, they point out that the Judicial Crisis Network’s office is on the same hallway in the same building as the Federalist Society, and when they sent their reporter to talk to somebody at the Judicial Crisis Network, somebody from the Federalist Society came down to let them up.
This more and more looks like it’s not three schemes, but it’s one scheme with the same funders selecting judges, funding campaigns for the judges, and then showing up in court in these orchestrated amicus flotillas to tell the judges what to do.
On the Judicial Crisis Network, you’ve got the Leonard Leo connection, obviously. She hopped in to take over for him with the Federalist Society. You’ve got the campaigns that I’ve talked about, where they take $17 million contributions. That’s a big check to write, $17 million, to campaign for Supreme Court nominees. No idea who that is or what they got for it. You’ve got briefs that she wrote. The Republican senators filed briefs in that NFIB case signed by Ms. Severino.
The woman who helped choose this nominee has written briefs for Republican senators attacking the ACA. Don’t say the ACA is not an issue here. And by the way, the Judicial Crisis Network funds the Republican attorneys general. It funds RAGA, the Republican Attorneys General Association, and it funds individual Republican attorneys general. And guess who the plaintiffs are in the Affordable Care Act case? Republican attorneys general.
Trump joined them because he didn’t want to defend, so he’s in with the Republican attorneys general. But here’s the Judicial Crisis Network campaigning for Supreme Court nominees, writing briefs for senators against the Affordable Care Act, supporting the Republicans who are bringing this case, and leading the selection process for this nominee.
Here is the page off the brief. Here is where they are. Mitch McConnell, and on through the list, Senator Collins, Senator Cornyn, Senator Hoeven, Senator — who’s still here? Marco Rubio. It’s a huge assortment of Republican senators who Carrie Severino wrote a brief for against the Affordable Care Act. So this is a, to me, pretty big deal. I’ve never seen this around any court that I’ve ever been involved with, where there’s this much dark money and this much influence being used.
Here’s how the Washington Post summed it up. This is “a conservative activist behind-the-scenes campaign to remake the nation’s courts,” and it’s a $250 million dark money operation. $250 million is a lot of money to spend if you’re not getting anything for it. So that raises the question, what are they getting for it?
Well, I showed the slide earlier on the Affordable Care Act. And on Obergefell and on Roe v. Wade, that’s where they lost. But with another judge, that could change. That’s where the contest is. That’s where The Republican Party platform tells us to look at how they want judges to rule, to reverse Roe, to reverse the Obamacare cases, and to reverse Obergefell and take away gay marriage. That is their stated objective and plan. Why not take them at their word?
But there is another piece of it, and that is not what’s ahead of us, but what’s behind us. What’s behind us is now 80 cases, Mr. Chairman, 80 cases under Chief Justice Roberts that have these characteristics. One, they were decided five to four by a bare majority. Two, the five-to-four majority was partisan in the sense that not one Democratic appointee joined the five. I refer to that group as the “Roberts Five.”
It changes a little bit as–with Justice Scalia’s death, for instance – but there’s been a steady “Roberts Five” that has delivered now 80 of these decisions. And the last characteristic of them is that there is an identifiable Republican donor interest in those cases, and in every single case, that donor interest won. It was an 80 to zero, 5 to 4 partisan rout, ransacking.
And it’s important to look at where those cases went, because they’re not about big, public issues like getting rid of the Affordable Care Act, undoing Roe v. Wade, and undoing same sex marriage. They’re about power. And if you look at those 80 decisions, they fall into four categories over and over and over again. One, unlimited and dark money and politics. Citizens United is the famous one, but it’s continued since with McCutcheon and we’ve got one coming up now. Always the five for unlimited money in politics. Never protecting against money dark money in politics, despite the fact that they said it was going to be transparent.
And who wins when you allow unlimited dark money in politics? A very small group. The ones who have unlimited money to spend and a motive to spend it in politics. They win. Everybody else loses. And if you’re looking at who might be behind this, let’s talk about people with unlimited money to spend and a motive to do it. We’ll see how that goes.
Next, knock the civil jury down. Whittle it down to a nub. The civil jury was in the Constitution, in the Bill of Rights, in our darn Declaration of Independence, but it’s annoying to big corporate powers because you can swagger your way as a big corporate power through Congress. You can go and tell the president you put money into to elect what to do. He will put your stooges at the EPA. It’s all great until you get to the civil jury, because they have an obligation, as you know, Judge Barrett, they have an obligation under the law to be fair to both parties irrespective of their size.
You can’t bribe them. You’re not allowed to. It’s a crime to tamper with the jury. It’s standard practice to tamper with Congress. And they make decisions based on the law. If you’re used to being the boss and swaggering your way around the political side, you don’t want to be answerable before a jury. And so one after another, these 80 5-to-4 decisions have knocked down, whittled away at, the civil jury, a great American institution.
Third – first was unlimited dark money, second was demean and diminish the civil jury – third is weaken regulatory agencies. A lot of this money, I’m convinced, is polluter money. The Koch Industries is a polluter, the fossil fuel industry is a polluter. Who else would be putting buckets of money into this and wanting to hide who they are behind DonorsTrust or other schemes?
And what are – if you’re a big polluter – what do you want? You want weak regulatory agencies. You want ones that you can box up and run over to Congress and get your friends to fix things for you in Congress. Over and over and over again, these decisions are targeted at regulatory agencies to weaken their independence and weaken their strength. And if you’re a big polluter, a weak regulatory agency is your idea of a good day.
And the last thing is in politics. In voting. Why on earth the Court made the decision, a factual decision – not something appellate courts are ordinarily supposed to make, as I understand it Judge Barrett – the factual decision that nobody needed to worry about minority voters in preclearance states being discriminated against, or that legislators would try to knock back their ability to vote. These five made that finding in Shelby County against bipartisan legislation from both houses of Congress, hugely passed, on no factual record.
They just decided that that was a problem that was over, on no record with no basis, because it got them to the result that we then saw. What followed? State after state after state passed voter suppression laws. One so badly targeting African Americans that two courts said it was surgically, surgically tailored to get after minority voters.
And gerrymandering, the other great control. Bulk gerrymandering where you go into a state, like the Red Map project did in Ohio and Pennsylvania, and you pack Democrats so tightly into a few districts that all the others become Republican majority districts. And in those states, you send a delegation to Congress that has a huge majority of Republican members, like 13 to 5, as I recall, in a state where the five, the party of the five actually won the popular vote.
You’ve sent a delegation to Congress that is out of step with the popular vote of that state and court after court figured out how to solve that, and the Supreme Court said nope. 5 to 4 again. Nope. We’re not going to take an interest in that question. In all these areas where it’s about political power for big special interests, and people who want to fund campaigns, and people who want to get their way through politics without actually showing up, doing it behind DonorsTrust and other groups, doing it through these schemes over and over and over again, you see the same thing.
80 decisions, Judge Barrett. 80 decisions. An 80-to-0 sweep. I don’t think you’ve tried cases, but some cases, the issue is bias and discrimination. And if you’re making a bias case as a trial lawyer – Lindsey Graham is a hell of a good trial lawyer. If he wanted to make a bias case – Dick Durbin is a hell of a good trial lawyer. If they wanted to make a bias case and they could show an 80-to-0 pattern, A, that’s admissible, and B, I’d love to make that argument to the jury. I’d be really hard pressed to be the lawyer saying no, 80-to-0 is just a bunch of flukes.
All five-four. all partisan, all this way. So something is not right around the Court. And dark money has a lot to do with it. Special interests have a lot to do with it. DonorsTrust and whoever is hiding behind DonorsTrust has a lot to do with it, and the Bradley Foundation orchestrating its amici over at the Court has a lot to do with it.
So I thank you, Judge Barrett, for listening to me now a second time and I think this gives you a chance for you and I to tee up an interesting conversation tomorrow. And I thank my colleagues for hearing me out
Photo credit: CSPAN
I watched Senator Whitehouse’s presentation live albeit from Europe and quite frankly I’m astonished that NONE of the TV media channels be they cable or broadcast have followed up on any of his assertions, I thought it was outstanding in so many ways, one sees what the Oligarchs from Russia and around the world have accomplished in the UK,while the exact same thing is happening in the USA, the frustrating thing is that this isn’t new it has been happening for a very long time Trump is their puppet they are pulling the strings and when he’s gone they will have another ignorant politician waiting in the wings to do their bidding, I’m 80 and can’t be hanging around much longer waiting for the change we so desperately need all I have in my favor is the ability to vote and fingers crossed my candidate will win.
“Whataboutism” is the standard GOP ploy for changing the subject and not dealing with any issue at all.
Correction: it’s the Republican Justices who are corrupt. I suppose the jury is theoretically out on Barrett, but it’s on odds-on bet she will join the others unless, maybe, cleverly, she will appear to go in some independent direction (including recusal) if the 5-4 is assured.
Say it. This Supreme Court is corrupt. John Roberts is corrupt. 80-0 proves it. The voting rights case where the proponent of balls and strikes made the most outrageous example of judicial activism possibly in the history of the court — claiming that he knew the facts about the state of racial discrimination better than either the House or the Senate, a claim which he is not entitled to make under the Constitution — proves it.
The court is corrupt. It’s as plain as day.
How is it that all this can (now) be widely known with no apparent consequence? It’s really disturbing to learn of the intensity and duration of these efforts by so many, focused as they are on distorting on a massive scale any notion of an impartial court system. Curious, but where are the Nations own investigators? CMD appears to have done a very helpful investigation for the Senator’s presentation, (thank you) I just think a matter of this political & financial complexity, especially one with all these smelly tentacles, ought to attract the attention of some one representing our Nations interests.
This should be a fact that makes an appointment only after the new president is in office the only option.
One word: RICO.
Sic the FBI on the lot of them. It’s a massive criminal conspiracy.
This is an outstanding summary by Senator Whitehouse synthesizing the multiple strands of dark money into a tapestry that accounts for how the moneyed robber barron-class like the Koch brothers and their crooked cronies have smothered Democracy in the United State! The Russian oligarchs have nothing on our home grown oligarchs. The facts were uncovered by CMD and bravely reported by the Washington Post. We owe everyone involved our greatest thanks and all caring citizens must all take up the standard to fight back before it is too late.
How about we talk about the dark money of the democrat party. Mainly George Soros. I find it so hypocritical that both sides always point fingers, but never address their own deep seeded money. Or how about the money the democrats get from our MAINSTREAM MEDIA PLAYERS??? Lets have an open and honest discussion on both sides. Oh right liberals will say they have no dark money and the media will play into that narrative, when honest people know better. Brain washed people wake the f-up. Our politicians do not honest give a rats arse about anyone, except their own power.
From https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/david-koch-brothers-political-influence-1.5258077:
“But Jim Geraghrty, the senior political correspondent of the conservative magazine National Review, wrote that the difference between wealthy liberal activists like Soros and the Koch brothers, is that they are better at achieving their goals and focusing on “the long-term and easily-overlooked corners of the governing process — i.e., state legislatures, local tax initiatives and the political races that aren’t ‘sexy.'”
“And the Koch political machine, says Leonard, dwarfs all others.”
You know it’s Soros. How is that dark money
How about we stick to the subject at hand? The Democrats are (not yet) in power. They have not stacked the courts. They don’t hold the presidency. When such evidence as the above is held for the Democrats (a very broad brush there) then we’ll talk – when you have SC decisions that go 5-4 on party lines by the justices they select with hidden money? We can talk. Otherwise, it is just distraction.
If someone would make the case against George Soros as diligently as Senator Whitehouse has about the Republican side, we’ll all listen and decide on the facts. Just saying “What about George Soros?” is not the same as actually making that case, and, as Erwynne Seabourne above says, the power imbalance and the application of opposite standards, depending on which party is nominating a justice, is so lopsided that the case practically makes itself.
And finally, pointing a finger in the opposite direction is not a refutation of the case made by Sen. Whitehouse. If you have something of substance to say about Whitehouse’s assertions, make it and we’ll listen.
What an amazing investigation into the court. This is very disturbing and anti democratic for our country. This affirms what people say about politicians-they are all crooks. We need more RBGs on the court who are willing to look at the cases without personal biases and interests.
So, so interesting. I can’t help but think back to 1933-1945 when major U.S corporations were secretly funding the Nazi war machine. The donors to Right-Wing anti-consumer protection groups and the Donors to the Federalist Society, that Senator Whitehouse posted, look eerily similar to the Financial Links Between U.S. Industrialists and Adolf Hitler posted in Antony Sutton’s eye-opening expose, “Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler. ” Only the names and the figures differ, but the facts behind the “puppet show,” the sacrifice for the bottom line are the same.
Koch, Goodrich, Dunn, Bradley are a few of the names that appear on Senator Whitehouse’s list. Standard Oil of NJ (now Exxon-Mobil) , Ford, General Electric, DuPont, IBM, were some of the biggies backing the Nazi war operations, including the death camps. All heavily documented.
But will it make a difference for what is right, true, above board, honest and just? The deck seems to be loaded against us! I am soooo concerned.
I knew this woman was crooked!! Bought and paid for!!
Wow. Very well done Senator Whitehouse
Amazing work by CMD and truly amazing to hear it out of the mouth of a politician. Thank you senator Whitehouse for putting this on a national stage!
We knew this was happening but not to thIs extent. Well done senator Whitehouse. Now let’s get to work to solve this egregious distortion of our judcial process and the suppression of our civil rights.
Wow. THIS guy needs to be in the White House.
President Whitehouse – agreed. He also gave weekly speeches (for about a year or longer I believe) to the Senate about Climate that evidence his much higher understanding relative to his colleagues.
Do you know, this is a guy I would want to elect. I rather doubt it would happen, but that is something I could shout about.
Well done, Senator Whitehouse!
First, thank you to Senator Whitehouse (and all the parties that assisted him) for taking the time to lay this all out for us. Second, now that this complex strategy/plot by right-wing, ultra-wealthy interests has been largely exposed (I’m sure there is more), what is going to be done to stop this? And WHO will intervene to stop this? Or will we all stand wide-eyed, in stunned and helpless silence, and watch this all play out exactly as those conservative, ultra-wealthy, “dark” donors intended? And watch so many of these hard-won Civil rights be stripped away? And third, what do we, the average US citizens (the whole range of low income, working class and middle class) who are trying to get by each month, juggling work and kids and distance learning, managing the stress & isolation of this shut down, and frankly, dealing with a lot of overwhelm, what can WE do? Yes, I know, we can vote, volunteer and donate to candidates who will hopefully intervene at the level of the presidency and congress – what else? And lastly, very few people (sadly) have the time and attention to listen to this relatively long presentation (compared to a 1 min. tik-tok video). How do we get this information condensed into a simple, 5-6 minute long, visually engaging, explanation that can be easily shared throughout social media? Who can create this? We need something shorter & simpler to inform the masses that includes concrete action steps listing/showing what we can do to stop this.
I agree with both your concern and the simultaneous sense of impotence we as an ordinary citizens have. Ordinarily this would be pursued by our Congress and our Dept. of Justice. Nowadays neither of those feel like they are “ours” and they don’t have any interest in pursuing information such as this.
The only point you made that puts me ill-at-ease is trying to simplify Whitehouse’s detailed presentation down to a few bullet points that we can post on social media. It wouldn’t be long before our posts would start sounding like the holy proclamations coming from the likes of Alex Jones at Infowars. I think better would be to link and reference his presentation so others can roll up their sleeves and wade through it. The value, as well as “the devil”, of it is in the details.
Outstanding presentation and exposing of the oligarchs’ key players. This kind of research and analysis of political power and dark money in government should be taught as part of civics studies in high school and college to educate and promote independent thinking among our youth.
I second you suggrstion
EVERYONE should read this!!! Especially anyone who made the statement ‘ I want to see how a businessman would do as president’ in the last election! Well you’ve seen and look where our country is today! Most Successful business men ( big bucks) are CROOKS! How do you think they got their money!